"Puzzling Mind" is a contemplative art collection that explores the intricate mosaic of human perception and thought. Through the delicate interplay of watercolor and the raw edges of torn paper, this particular piece invites viewers to reflect on fragments of experiences and ideas that shape our consciousness. Each puzzle-like pattern on the canvas symbolizes the diverse opinions and information that we, as human beings, collect from the world around us, both harmonious and dissonant.
The subtle gradations of color and the tangible textures created by the tearing of paper mimic the complexity and depth of our mental landscapes. Each component, floating seemingly independently yet undeniably part of a whole, reflects our unique perspectives on life.
Crafted with an abstract vision suitable for modern interiors, "Puzzling Mind" transcends decorative art, offering instead a mirror to the viewer's own inner workings. It's a visual journey through the layers of our intellect and emotions. This collection is an homage to the profound individuality of thought and the collective narrative it weaves, a thought-provoking addition to any space that values depth, introspection, and the beauty of the human condition.
Puzzling Mind n.2, watercolor collage
Painting: watercolor on paper
Original: One-of-a-kind Artwork
Size: 30 W x 30 H x 1,5 D cm
Frame: Framed, Ready to Hang
Packaging: Ships in a Box
Delivery Time: Typically 5-7 business days for domestic shipments, 10-14 business days for international shipments.
Delivery Cost:Shipping is included.